Sunday, April 25, 2004

A Victory for Cornellians Everywhere

Yesterday Cornell Lacrosse beat Princeton, at Princeton, to end an Eight-year ownage streak. The win puts Cornell in control of the league, and with a win over Brown, gives the Red a return-trip to the NCAA tourney. I'm really excited about this becuase Cornell is also hosting a quarter-final round, which means we could play at home infront of a huge crowd.

I also went to Victory Club yesterday -- it was great. Katie and I got there, talked for a little bit, got some chips, and then at down at a blackjack table. We played for 2 hours on $15 worth of chips. All the while, all these people we knew kept coming to sit at our table. We played with Raul one of our Comm Grad students, Jesse -- a guy from Katie's floor last year, Marc Zawel -- former Managing Editor for The Daily Sun, and Matt Schuster from Glee Club. It was a blast each time one of them joined the table, and the brothers (Marc, Jesse) kept the champagne flowing (none for me, though, mono and all). It was great.

I've got another seal of approval for Waffle Night. This time from the Cornell police, so I'm excited. Now I just need to get some more people to sign off on the event, and we should be good to go (CU Tonight or not).

This week should be packed, but managable. We've got contact dinners tomorrow, a Head Clerk meeting on Wednesday, more KDR stuff on Thursday, and then the weekend. Workwise, I need to do some reading on the Comm comedy theories I've been gathering, and work out the details of a paper for Tuesday's Comm 345 class. I'll also need to start doing the Sociology readings, so I can be ready for the exam next week.

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