Thursday, April 01, 2004

A Hussein Moment

We have a brother in our house who's done some pretty crazy things (think substances), and occasionally it shows. The past two days, I think I've had some of those crazy moments.

No, no drugs for me (not the fun ones anyway), just good old fashioned fever and dizziness to make me slightly less perceptive than normal. Of course, while walking around while sick instills a strange and almost fun-house like feeling (loopiness, jolting sensation -- not necessarily bad, just different -- shooting down your extremeties with every step. Yeah, I kind of like it, except for the falling over feeling.), being bed ridden does something else.

It seems to be a lot like the withdrawl symptoms I've read Steven Tyler had. I convulse alot. One minute I'm burning up and sweating -- the next I'm freexing cold. I've got two sweatshirts, a fleece, and a long sleeve-t next to (or on) me at any minute of the day. I'm rarely hungry, I pee the color orange, and my eyes hurt to open.

Being sick sucks. It also messes up your sleep schedule, something awful, which is why I'm up at 6:06 a.m. writing.

But the cool thing is that you look for something to do. I could be studying for a test I have this Friday (tomorrow -- gasp!), but instead I checked out the web stats for the new Daily Sun site. They're pretty cool. It turns out that my column was viewed 189 times yesterday. Considering we ususually sell around 80-150 papers at news stands, and then those papers are re-read in places such as Trillium and the Ivy Room, I can estimate that around 300 people read my column yesterday.

Why should you care? You really shouldn't. Why should I care? I really shouldn't. But it's cool to say that I'm the best read sports columnist on the website.

(No. 18, currently as the most requested article at our new site -- the only "regular" columnist beating me is Mark Harrison, but that shouldn't even count becuase he wrote about Cornell and the SAT. Can you imagine how many long island families spend time researching "Cornell + SAT" in google?)

Oh, and Spring has finally arrived in Ithaca. It's early morning and I can once again hear several birds chirping outside my window.

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