Monday, April 26, 2004

Social Butterfly

I just received my invite to DTD's Delt Prom High. I have no idea what to expect, but I'm excited to get invited, especially since it's rare for guys to invite other guys to their fraternity events. It'll also be the second (semi) formal event I've attended in as many weeks. I've got to find out if I can bring a guest.

I also got my first snub over the weekend. I suggested a book to some girl, who wrote back thanking me for the suggestion. I then offered to lend it to her since it's harcover and expensive, and in return she added me as a friend. Then she dropped me.

I just laughed, and added her as a friend so this time the request comes from my end. It's funny to have read so much on social capital, and how online reputations can be built and ruined, and then have someone snub me. It makes me wonder if I'm developing a bad rep, or if there was some other reason she dropped me. I don't know, but I'd love to find out. It's too bad people are so guarded and cautious about their social interactions with strangers. I've got so many questions, and hardly anyone to provide answers.


The grapevine says that Waffles & Ho's caught the eye of the CU Tonight commission, but that they don't like the name. Apparently it was also one of the sloppiest applications they received, which has prompted comments like, "He's a comm major? Aren't they supposed to have better presentation skills?"

Hey -- they didn't ask for an oral presentation. I'd have given a great speech in person. My hand writing on the other hand ... let's just say that's why I'm glad we're supposed to type our papers.

Anyway, I'm supposed to be contacted in the next week for more info and feedback to make some changes. At least they seemed cool with the idea of paying for T-shirts. Without the T-shirts the guys in the house don't seem that interested.


I Finally got out of the B range on one of my Comm Law papers. It's the only class that I'm not pulling an A or better in this semester, and with one paper and the final still looming, it looks like I can change that (for the better or worse depending on the work I put in). I'm just happy to finally get an A.

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