Saturday, April 24, 2004

Paris Hilton is a Dude

So I went to campus today, ran some errands, turned in some work, and then I headed to the fraternity house for dinner. After Jon, Todd, Matt and I watched some movies (most notably Police Academy), and then I got a ride home.

When I got home things seemed off. There was a lot of noise coming from the building, so I knew someone was having a party. When I opened the door and walked in to find two busted girls in trucker hats blocking my doorway, I was pissed. I've been home a lot this week, and no one said anything about a party.

I wandered upstairs to see Jason, Phil and Amy Green were there. Graham was the only apartmentmate in the room. All of them greeted me as I entered and asked how I was doing. I told them I was doing well, and immediately they tried to explain what was going on.

It's not their fault, and I actually didn't mind that so many people were over once I knew that Graham, Jason and Phil were all there too. We have good times together, so I figured I'd just roll with the punches on this one. As it turned out, we were unsuspecting hosts for the Key Elements after-concert party. They bought all the alcohol, and asked to use our apartment (one of the group members lives downstairs). They also e-mailed me and apparently left a few messages on the machine. I didn't mind so much once I found out what was going on, I was actually kind of excited.

So I saw Dave, the Uber Wang, downstairs. He was busy doing group stuff, so I talked to him for a while and then went back to the other guys. That's where the real fun was, and it included the following:

• Phil getting some guy to chug all of our maple syrup for $12
• Jason getting this hot girl to eat dog food with him
• Me wandering around with my Terrorist playing cards, telling people not to worry becuase we got 'em all
• The girl with the mannish handshake
• The girl with the mannish handshake dissing waffle night

Then the coolest thing of all happened. All day I've been running into people, and recognizing them from the I don't say anything, beucase we don't actually know each other and that'd be wierd, but I still recognize them. Tonight I met Paris Hilton, and I can say that he does not look like her photo. Yup -- the person masquerading as Paris Hilton -- he's some asian dude.

But now it's time for bed.

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