Monday, May 10, 2004

A Response

There is an interesting posting at I'll save you all some time and summarize. Some whiny theatre major writes the proprietor an e-mail about how terrible it is that no one ever comes to see the Risley theatre shows, or sees the student exhibits in Sibley, or goes to the Jazz concerts, or ...

I take it you understand the concept. Somehow, though, I just can't sympathize with this person. I think the reason no one goes to these shows is becuase people don't want to gamble their time on what may be a complete lack of vision and talent. The CTA shows almost always sell out, I know becuase I've tried to get tickets on several occasions only to find the shows full. People come to the Hangover and Waiter shows becuase they know what they're getting. Why can't Risely Hall theatre attrack the same audience? We could blame the lack of an upper-classman presence on North Campus, leaving all freshmen secure and isolated in their world of general indifference, but the bigger issue is time vs. talent.

This claim that no one ever goes to see art exhibits, or jazz concerts is bogus. I remember a packed house when Wynton Marsalis came. Why? As mentioned before, it's the talent vs. time issue. People will rearrange their busy Cornell schedules when they know they'll get a good show. Perhaps instead of whining in e-mails to his friends, this student should go back and practice some more.


It's raining and yet still sunny in Ithaca. Very strange. Also, the NWS has issued a second severe thunderstorm warning in as many weeks. I usually enjoy the rain, but with this head cold I wish it would subside. I just can't shake it, and I'm sick of popping all these pills to cut through the congestion.


I'm going back to the gym this week, but only to run. I want to be able to do five miles before I get to DC this summer, so that I can stand the heat. I'll have to slow down a little once I'm down there, but it should only take a week to get used to the conditions and humidity.

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