Monday, February 09, 2004

Cornell the Craptacular

I had to wake up early to get to work by 8 a.m., but decided to get up even earlier today. I was a man on a mission, and my only objective was a Trillium Grill breakfast.

I wanted one of those greasy egg omlettes, with all the cheese and bacon. Then I wanted a really strong coffee to keep me going through the day. Of course, like most things at Cornell, what I wanted and what I ended up with were completely different.

I made it to Trillium with plenty of time (t-minus 10 minutes until work), and walked in through the double glass doors. Much to my surprise, there was no line. Upon closer inspection, there was also no grill.

That's right, due to an early morning fire, there would be no Grill that morning. I almost cried, but that would have meant Cornell got the best of me. Instead of my greasy egg omlette, with the cheese and the bacon, I had to settle for cold cereal.

I went to work, wrote some e-mails, renabled some freshmen's ethernet connections, and got ready to go to class. It was soc 101, one of my favorites.

You can never find a seat, the class is full of unintelligent underclassmen, and practically screams "Greek Athlete!" at you when you walk in the door. Still, I love it. The subject matter is so interesting (go social sciences -- last week we talked about Goffman and his notions of Face), and the professor is hot. Red hair, shapely body. She definitely provides for some pleasing lecture material.

To top it off, she has the European accent (which drives me nuts -- I love listening to it), and constantly slips in jokes. If you're not paying attention, you won't catch them, but I usually am, so the class is great for a laugh.

Then I went to Comm Law. Another class I love, this time only for the material (although the proff is really cool -- Dale Grossman). I had a hard time staying awake beucase I hadn't had my coffee yet, but managed to keep my eyes open for most of the class.

Then came lunch.

I headed back to Trillium, since the sign said it would only be closed for the morning. Of course, it was also close for the afternoon. No grill, no fried food, no happiness. Instead I walked to the Ivy Room, where I ran into Pledge EZ Bake. He was whining about how Latin was killing his GPA, and how his department chair lied to him.

He had asked earlier in the year if he could take the class pass/fail, but was told no. Then he found out he could. Apparently he's going to petition the dean of A&S, and pray to God that everything comes through. I hope it does. It wouldn't just be a victory for EZ Bake, but a victory for all of us who have gotten screwed in the GPA department while at Cornell. The proud owner of a 3.2 (give or take a .01), I can understand where he's coming from.

Then I took my fried food (ah, cholestorol), and headed back to work the afternoon shift. It was epic, to say the least.

There was no PC super, so I was flying blind, renabling ports left and right, and dishing out generic advice for complex problems. Somehow I always manage to make it through the supervisor shift ok, without anything or one blowing up. I think that's why they gave me a raise.

Then, out of nowhere, Cornell's commodity Internet goes down.

Sure, you can connect to any .edu, and any of Cornell's internal pages when on campus. You can even send e-mail to all members of the Cornell community. But you can't get outside, and those on the outside can't get in.

Ah, Cornell the Craptacular.

So here I sit, updating my blog, beucase my other favorite pastime (checking my e-mail) is lost to me.


On a side rant, there was a mistake in this morning's Cornell Sun (there's always mistakes, but this one was important to me). The Communication department was called the "Communications" department. I would like to take this time and space to inform people of this egregious error.

As I wrote to editors-l, Ted Lowi does not teach for the Historys department. Likewise, A.R. Ammons (RIP) was not an Englishs faculty member. With this in mind, please note that there is no Communications department. Cornell, however, does offer study in the field of Communication.

Now I was called picky for noting this, but had it been your department, wouldn't you feel obliged to do the same? Maybe it's just my drive to make everything perfect, and fix every mistake I have the capacity to (I say capacity because Lord knows I've made my share of goofs in Sports). Yet if someone told me about my mistakes (and the sports editor has on numerous occurences), I'd take the time to make sure it didn't happen again and thank them for their views.

It'd be nice if everyone held that view.

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