Sunday, June 22, 2003

My days in Ithaca have become sluggish. Yesterday it seemed as if I couldn't get out of bed, and when I did all I managed to get done was laundry.

I went for a walk in the rain with a girl. It was amazing. We just talked, but like our feet, our conversation did not know where it was going. I doubt she'll see me again, though. Would you go on a second "date" with a guy who took you on a walk in the rain?

We parted ways. I went home and got online. Erin wanted to see the Hulk so we went. It was our second movie this week (the first being Hollywood Homicide). People say that the second time is never as good as the first, and in terms of movie viewing they're right. The second movie we saw this week didn't hold a candle to the first.

I'm almost done with 1992 from Jim Murray's book of columns. He's an amazing writer, but I just don't connect with some of the topics. I want to reccommend the book to all of our columnists. I probably will.

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